Virtual poem reading by Joel Long of City Art reading series

Tremendous thanks to Joel Long for his incredible literary citizenship! He has been running the City Art series in Salt Lake City for many years and has been wonderful support of the Utah Arts Fest literary program among others. We were honored to have him feature for the Rock Canyon Poets reading series last year, and if you missed that, here’s his poem “Map to Taylor Creek” read just for us!

You can also watch him perform his Bite Size poem “Fate of the Animals” from 2009.

Joel Long’s book Winged Insects won the White Pine Press Poetry Prize. Lessons in Disappearance and Knowing Time by Light were published by Blaine Creek Press in 2010.  His chapbooks, Chopin’s Preludes and Saffron Beneath Every Frost were published from Elik Press. His poems and essays have appeared in Gettysburg ReviewSports Literate, Prairie SchoonerBellingham ReviewRhinoBitter OleanderMassachusetts ReviewTerrain, and Water-Stone Review, among others. He lives in Salt Lake City.

Dove Song: Heavenly Mother in Mormon Poetry reading – Monday, July 23, 2018 @ 6:30pm

Rock Canyon Poets and Pioneer Book are pleased to present a poetry reading featuring Dove Song: Heavenly Mother in Mormon Poetry! Contributing poets will be reading their poems from the collection. The event begins at 6:30pm and runs until 8:00pm.

Dove Song is an anthology of poetry and art centered on the Mormon concept of Heavenly Mother edited by Tyler Chadwick, Dayna Patterson, and Martin Pulido. It includes 138 poems from almost 80 poets from the early church to the late 20th century to today. It was released by Peculiar Pages in April 2018.

“This anthology is a shattering summary of poetic revelation, feminist theology, and Mormon history about our Mother God. Over seventy poets speak across time from 1844-2017, describing their visions and yearnings for the divine feminine, like soul mates through the veil. They begin in 1844 with W.W. Phelps, Eliza R. Snow, and Lula Greene Richards in 1899, then disappear from the fin de siècle to the 1970s when Carol Lynn Pearson and Linda Sillitoe sing our Mother back. Like holy scribes, these poets persist, wondering and writing in the wilderness, seeking a promised land where God is home.” —Maxine Hanks

Dove Song is unique in the canon of Mormon literature. And uniquely important. Not only is it a work of fine art, a carefully arranged series of poems that the poets have used their finest skill and training to create, but it is a work of history, a work of inspiration, and a sacred record of many individuals’ spiritual quest for additional revealed knowledge about Mother in Heaven.” —Susan Elizabeth Howe

“She used to be a rumor. She used to be the one not to be named. We listened so hard at the edges of the conversation to hear anything—any detail, any dropped syllable. But thanks to the work of the visionary writers and editors who crafted Dove Song the Mormon concept of a Heavenly Mother now has so much presence! So many words! May we never lose her again.” —Joanna Brooks

Dove Song poets visit Pioneer Book as a guest of the Rock Canyon Poets and Pioneer Book. The reading is open to the general public.

For more information, contact the Rock Canyon Poets,

Official event page:

Where: Pioneer Book – 450 West Center Street, Provo

When: Monday, July 23, 2018

Time: 6:30 – 8:00 pm